15+ Years, clients have been coming to Selaras with wide range of projects that require high degree of skills.
SELARAS SURYA JAYA ABADI is a construction company which established since 2005. Having SIP SERVICE (Smart, Integrity, Passion) as our vision has helped us to earn our client trust and loyalty.
We constantly challenge ourselves to search and find the finest solution for every project that is entrusted to us. Working smartly, full of integrity, and highly passionate will help us to always deliver our best service to build smarter solution and more resilient places for tomorrow.
Along with experiences and knowledge in our side, we will do our best to help you build your dreams.
We Help You Do
Steel, concrete, foundation, water treatment plant
Facade, flooring, tile, masonry, partition, painting, ceiling, canopy works
House, factory, storage
Our Latest Works

Public Building

Public Building

Private Garage
We Have Worked With
SIP Service as Our Vision
Working smartly stimulates us to always be creative, innovative, and effective to optimally complete our projects.
Working with integrity, responsibility, and commitment to maintain our customers’ trust and to give them our best quality of works.
Working passionately encourages us to still deliver our best of the best solutions even in a challenging situations.